Information about the procedure of the case on the transfer of the ownership rights of ESO shares

2021 m. February 04 d.
Information about the procedure of the case on the transfer of the ownership rights of ESO shares

Civil case No e2YT-4395-981/2021 filed at the Vilnius District Court based on the statement of the applicant AB “Ignitis grupė” on the establishment of a fact of legal significance. The Court made a decision: to provide the procedural documents to the interested parties and announce the date and time of the procedure to the procedure participants by public announcement: to provide procedural documents to ESO shareholders who did not sell their shares during the mandatory buyout and announce the written procedure according to the list provided by the applicant AB “Ignitis grupė” in the alphabetical order by publishing on the special website the following statement:

“The civil case No e2YT-4395-981/2021 will be heard in the Vilnius District Court in written procedure in the court hearing of 31 March 2021 at 15.00 according to the statement of the applicant, public limited company (hereinafter – AB) “Ignitis grupė”, on the establishment of a fact of legal significance, interested parties – public limited company (hereinafter – AB) “Energijos skirstymo operatorius”, public limited company (hereinafter – AB) SEB bankas, public limited company (hereinafter – AB) Nasdaq Vilnius, shareholders of AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” according to the provided list and/or their successors in rights, by which the applicant requests to establish a fact of legal significance to the following statements:

1. AB “Ignitis grupė” made a payment to the shareholders who did not sell their shares of AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” by depositing EUR 11,550,000 to the AB SEB bankas deposit account No  LT8470440901007577674;

2) AB “Ignitis grupė” is acknowledged to have the right of ownership to the 13,118,175 units of AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” ordinary nominal shares of EUR 0.29 that were not transferred to AB “Ignitis grupė”;

3) the securities manager AB SEB bankas and other potential securities managers of accounts with  AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” shares are obliged to make entries in the accounts with AB “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” shares about the transfer of the ownership rights of the shares to the AB “Ignitis grupė”, this obligation must be carried out via AB Nasdaq Vilnius;

4) the annex No 1 to the statement is acknowledged as not private case file and third parties are not to be allowed to access it, except the participants of the procedure;

5) the decision of the court on this case will be executed urgently.Interested parties are informed that: 1) procedural documents are considered to be served on the day of the publishing of the statement on the special website. The interested parties, their successors in rights are suggested to provide their response to the statement in 40 days from the release of the statement. The Court has the right to refuse evidence and motives that could have been submitted with the response to the statement, if it thinks that their delayed provision will delay the decision of the proceedings of the case.q The case is heard by Dalia Trumpulienė. For more information, call (8 5) 210 1978.”

A more detailed information can be requested by contacting the Vilnius District Court via the provided phone number.